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  9. How to Do WhatsApp Setup

How to Do WhatsApp Setup

Step 1: Setting Up Meta (Facebook) Business Account and App

  1. Create a Meta (Facebook) Business Account (if you do not have one):

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  • Click on “Create an account” if you do not have an account in Meta to create one. Otherwise, log in with your Facebook account to access the Business Manager.
  • Once you have logged in with Facebook or created a Meta Facebook account, you will see the following view.

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  • Click “Create an account”
  • Enter your business name, your name, and work email address.
  • Provide your business details and click “Submit”.

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  1. Create a new Meta (Facebook) App at

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  • Or create one. Click “Get Started”

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  • Complete the following steps to create a Developer Account

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  • When you login or create an account you will see the following view. Click on “Create App”

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  • Choose User Case: “Other” and click “Next”.

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  • Choose App Type: “Business” and click “Next”.

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  • Provide app details: App Name, App Contact Email, Business Account (Optional), and click “Create app”.

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Step 2: Setting Up Meta (Facebook) App for WhatsApp Integration

1. Add WhatsApp to your Meta (Facebook) App.

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  • Choose “WhatsApp” for setup.

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  • Select your Meta (Facebook) Business Account (if not selected in step 2).
  • Navigate to App settings > Basic from the sidebar

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  • Save changes.
  • Set App Mode to Live.

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Step 3: Generate WhatsApp Token

To obtain a permanent WhatsApp Access Token, follow 1 to 3 steps:

1. Create a “System User”:

  • Visit the Meta Business Suite.
  • Find your business account in the top-left dropdown menu and click its Settings (gear) icon.
  • Click Business Settings.

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  • Add an Admin system user.

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2. Add Assets.

  • After creating the system user, click on Add Assets.How To WhatsApp SetUp 16
  • Navigate to Apps > “Your app name“.
  • Select your app and grant full control to manage the app.

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3. Generate System User Access Tokens.

  • Click the Generate New Token button on the system user.

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  • Choose the app that will use the token and set the token expiration to never.

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  • Select “whatsapp_business_messaging” and “whatsapp_business_management” permissions.

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  • Generate the token.
  • Copy the access token and store it securely

You will need to share this token with the Gloria AI Team in the last step of this guide.

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4. Add a new Business Number for WhatsApp

  • You can use your own business number or utilize the provided test number for your WhatsApp chatbot.
  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to WhatsApp > API Setup from the sidebar.

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  • Proceed to “Step 5: Add a Phone Number,” and click Add phone number.

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  • Provide the details required in the following form.

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  • Verify your number using the received code.
  • Once successfully added, select your phone number in Step 1 of API Setup.

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5. Add a Payment Method

  • To send messages via WhatsApp, you need a valid payment method. Visit here for details.
  • After adding your business phone number, click “Add payment method” to address the “Missing valid payment method” alert.

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  • You’ll be directed to your WhatsApp account settings. Click “Payment Methods” > “Add business payment method” and follow the prompts to add your card info.

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6. Test your new Business Number for WhatsApp

  • Return to WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to API Setup > Step 1.
  • Enter a testing “To” number.
  • Click “Send message” to verify successful message delivery.

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Step 4: Configure WhatsApp API Webhook settings

1. Verify WhatsApp Webhook Callback.

  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to Configuration.
  • Under Webhook, click edit.

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  • Click Verify and save

2. Configure Webhook Subscription Field

  • Under “Webhook Fields,” click Manage.

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  • Find the “messages” field and subscribe to it by checking the box.

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  • Clic “Done”

Step 5: Send your WhatsApp Account info to Gloria AI team

1. Retrieve WhatsApp Account Information

You need to send the following information to

  • In the WhatsApp Developer Dashboard, navigate to App Settings > Basic
  • Copy the App secret and paste it into the email

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  • Copy in an email the permanent access token generated from Step 3.3 (here)

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  • Also copy your Phone NumberPhone Number ID, and WhatsApp Business Account ID.

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  • Send the info to to complete the integration.

Step 6: Our team will review and activate your integration

Congratulations! Our team will set up everything and now you’ll be ready to assist clients via your WhatsApp number.

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